The demo plant is currently in the construction phase, inside the premises of NextChem in Chieti (Italy). The plant has been designed for a capacity of 60 kg/h of inlet PET and will produce monomers, terephthalic acid and mono ethylene glycol, to be used for the production of new virgin PET. Brine derived from the purification step will be treated by 3V-tech to produce chemicals needed for the depolymerisation reaction.
The demo plant has a footprint of about 400 m2 and an elevation up to 15 metres for reactor and distillation columns. It is composed by a section for PET feeding to depolymerisation reaction, the microwave reactive unit and a purification section. The control station installed in the control room allows to follow and to manage the operation of the plant and to store experimental data needed for further scale-up of DEMETO technology.