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Writer's picture: DEMETODEMETO

On 4 June, Chemical Recycling Europe (ChemRecEurope) organised a first conference on European Chemical Recycling to discuss this innovative form of plastics recycling and to address the evermore pertinent issue of circular economy: "Recycling targets set up in the EU Circular Economy Package will not be achievable without the development of chemical recycling. To boost circular economy, stem the flow of plastics into landfill and our environment and to answer the inherent limitations of current mechanical recycling, Chemical Recycling can be a solution to these limits as a complement to the existing system.", said Maurizio Crippa from gr3n.

He was invited to present the Demeto (Modular, Scalable and High Performance Depolymerisation by Microwave Technology) project and explained to the audience (around 150 participants from different parts of the plastics value chain, policy makers, NGOs and many more) how the project intends to be part of the solution for difficult to recycle PET containers, polyester textiles and other materials.

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The research project DEMETO receives funding from the European Union‘s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) under grant agreement no. 768573.


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