On the 27th November 2019, the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) launched its new Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA) at the SusChem Stakeholders 2019 event “Sustainable Chemistry to solve global challenges: the new SusChem Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda”.
The new SusChem SIRA focuses on technology priorities towards 2030, across Advanced Materials, Advanced Processes as well as the implementation and co-development of Enabling Digital Technologies. Horizontal topics are equally addressed, including sustainability assessment innovation, safe-by-design for chemicals and materials, as well as building on education and skills capacity in Europe.
The SIRA is the result of a co-creation process together with stakeholders across the innovation ecosystem. It outlines the strategic Research and Innovation (R&I) priorities, with a strong relevance to sustainable chemistry, linking to Horizon Europe and beyond. The DEMETO project is mentioned twice in the report, thanks to its innovative use of microwaves as part of a process intensification approach for the catalysed alkaline hydrolysis depolymerisation reaction of PET.